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Japanese Religion and Society: Paradigms of Structure and Change

Japanese Religion and Society: Paradigms of Structure and Change

Winston Bradley Davis

Book condition: Used - Very good

Publisher: State Univ of New York Pr

Year of publication: 1992

Regular price $12.95 USD
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"It provides in one place and under one cover useful studies featuring the important interrelationship between religion and society, or -- to put it more correctly-- Japanese religio-social reality." -- Richard B. Pilgrim, Syracuse University"This is a solid piece of work, and the topic is significant, in fact, timely, in several regards. First, there is much attention today on Japan and the secret of its cultural and social makeup. Second, there is the question of whether to accept the 'uniqueness' argument of Japan's mystique (which Davis rejects), or if so, which theory is best able to account for the nature of Japan--to which question Davis provides some interesting insights. This book offers a thoroughly researched, carefully analyzed, and thoughtfully interpreted and sustained critical assessment of Japanese religion and the Japanese and Western scholarship on the subject. It not only opens up the Japanese phenomenon in an insightful way, but also raises interesting theoretical questions about the study of religion and society." -- Byron Earhart, Western Michigan University

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